71% average accuracy. 4. “ (Answers may vary on the their briefly discussion on what they chosen) Pre Activities Drill Activities Here are some additional examples, showing how to construct the sentence by beginning with “Were”: Were I you, I would speak to the professor about the problem. Exercise 1 Circle Sub if the verb in bold is in the subjunctive mood, circle Ind if it is in the indicative mood, or circle Imp if it is in the imperative mood. This is a free multiple-choice quiz that you can do online or print out. Fill in the blanks below with the correct form of the verb in parentheses, then click the "Check" button to check your answers. Answers and Explanations. (3) Were I you, I would go on a diet. 8. “ If I were you, I would spend more time studying proper grammar. Verbs in sentences that are suppositions should take the subjunctive mood. The form of the base subjunctive is extremely simple. 6. 338 plays . Exercise on the English subjunctive mood. The answers are after the last question. Verbs are a part of speech that not only express an action or state of being, but can also indicate the mood and manner of the speaker. EXERCISE 10: Decide if the verbs are indicative, imperative, interrogative, conditional or subjunctive. "Could you help me move some boxes," Tom asked me. A collection of English ESL Subjunctive mood worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and English classes to teach about All quizzes. With a song like this you can create different exercises focusing not just on mood but also about the content or meaning of the song. The sky is clear tonight. 2. Correct. (8) My boss treats me as though I were his slave. I am hoping to get a rise soon. Change each command to a sentence that uses the subjunctive mood in the clause following the verb. Example: She speaks to me as though I were her husband. Click anywhere on the page to see incorrect letters in your answer replaced with the symbol = . 1. THE SUBJUNCTIVE Answers to Exercise 1: 1. be 2. open 3. leave 4. accompany 5. fly 6. be 7. take 8. be 9. remain 10. find 11. learn 12. complete Answers to Exercise 2: 1. had, lost 2. had, forgotten 3. had shown 4. had given 5. had snowed 6. had, opened 7. had heard 8. had known Answers to Exercise 3: 9. It is required that he complete the form before leaving the room. Given a sentence, conjugate the verb in parenthesis to its present subjunctive form. John wondered whether she was going to arrive on time. (4) If I were in your shoes, I would calm down. (9) If John were taller, he could have been a basketball player. Use the word "that" to begin a clause after the verb. These clauses follow verbs, nouns, or adjectives that express suggestions, demands, or requests. Pay attention to verb moods. My mother insists that my father (exercise / exercises) regularly. 1. The judge told the lawyer to be quiet. The verb moods will tell you. John demanded _____. It is important that puppies get enough exercise. The subjunctive is a verb form that is used to talk about unreal situations. The mouse (wants, want) to eat the cheese. The moods indicated through verbs have been roughly divided into four main types - imperative mood, Indicative mood, subjunctive mood and infinitive mood. "Give me a refund," John told the clerk. EXERCISE 10: Decide if the verbs are indicative, imperative, interrogative, conditional or subjunctive. 1. Sandra wanted the post office to hold onto her mail. ... answer choices . Examples: I asked them to be quiet. For all verbs and all persons, the form is the base of the verb, for example: be, have, do, go, sing, work. Q. T or F: Is the following line written in the subjunctive mood? Look at the subjunctive examples and categories before you try the exercise below. Obviously, he doesn’t have a birthday every day, so the situation is imaginary. 4 years ago. Subjunctive Mood. Answer Sheet Subjunctive Practice - Displaying top 8 worksheets found for this concept.. My supervisor suggested that I accept this new position. The subjunctive is occasionally used in sophisticated or literary language, especially in American English and in some set phrases and expressions. Save. /  The thief told her to give him the money. “ If I were you, I would spend more time studying proper grammar. The subjunctive mood is the verb form used to express a wish, a suggestion, a command, or a condition that is contrary to fact. Sue’s boss asked. He isn’t her husband, so we need to use were here too. Quiz & Worksheet Goals. 1. 2. Choose the most appropriate answer. Decide if the verbs are indicative, imperative, interrogative, conditional or subjunctive. John demanded _____. (5) If I were in your situation, I would speak to him. Some of the worksheets for this concept are Destinos 27 52 the main grammar points and exercises, Mood of the verb, The subjunctive mood, Subjunctive in english a brief introduction, Using subjunctive and conditional moods, Work preterite tense, Reexive verbs, Lesson 11 the subjunctive mood part ii. 3. am ? You should look at the subjunctive examples below before you attempt the exercise. 3. ? These are all requests. ** (5) If I were in your situation, I would speak to him. 8th - 9th grade . I want you-all to buy a house. (5) If I were in your situation, I would speak to him. She stopped during the third lap. Ellos insisten con que yo (salir) contigo. 10. If you think you are up to the challenge, try to identify the mood of the verbs in square brackets in the following sentences. For ESL learners. She recommends that each server (reports, report) their tips. Q. T or F: Is the following line written in the subjunctive mood? BACK TO EDMODO. Indicative Mood Describe the Verb Mood mood. My supervisor said it would be a good idea for me to accept this new position. The river flows under the bridge. EXERCISE 11: Read the following passage. Exercise 5 for the Present Subjunctive and its substitute phrase with the verb SHOULD. Indicative Mood Describe the Verb Mood mood. would have gone ? Learn about the subjunctive mood in English grammar online with Lingolia. Our boss insisted that we take a vacation. Imperative Verbs +16 more terms Using Verbs to Indicate Mood. answer choices Change each command to a sentence that uses the subjunctive mood in the clause following the verb. This section could use more worksheets so if you have already taught your students about the subjunctive mood, take a minute to … Pay attention to verb moods. This section could use more worksheets so if you have already taught your students about the subjunctive mood, take a minute to … The subjunctive examples below show how to use were instead of was to give advice: The use of “were” with the first-person pronoun “I” in this way is known as the subjunctive mood. In the first exercise put all verbs in the present subjunctive. Played 6306 times. 3. Exercise 2 Choose the best word(s) to complete each sentence. 4. A short quiz such as this can't get into all the complexities of the subjunctive mood, but obviously you're doing quite well in mastering it. This assessment will test your understanding of the uses of mood in grammar and subjunctive mood. Mary is very shy in reality, so we need to use were in the above sentence. 7. Verbs are a part of speech that not only express an action or state of being, but can also indicate the mood and manner of the speaker. Упражнение 5 на Present Subjunctive… 5. verb: would, mood: indicative, tense: past; verb: stayed, mood: subjunctive, tense: simple past A. Subjunctive Mood Imperartive Mood Indicative Mood Mood of Verbs B. 1. Find a quiz. John wondered whether she was going to arrive on time. John demanded that the clerk give him a refund. A collection of English ESL Subjunctive mood worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and English classes to teach about Learn about Spanish present subjunctive with fun practice quizzes. 3. 7. Quiz & Worksheet Goals. I would rather you stayed till tomorrow. 14 Unit 1 Subjunctive Mood Part C Review Exercise 1 Cir cle the correct answers. The subjunctive is a verb form that is used to talk about unreal situations. Review Exercises Subjunctive, Conditional, Indicative, Imperative, Interrogative Label the following sentences with the appropriate mood. The phrases “in your position” or “in your situation” have a higher level of formality than “in your shoes”, which is considered quite informal. Do sit down. 6. See the written questions here, and I’ll tell you the answer in the video around the 29 minute mark. 3. This assessment will test your understanding of the uses of mood in grammar and subjunctive mood. ANSWERS for CHAPTER 9. Example: Maria would have more friends if she weren’t so shy. Use a verb of influence in the present INDICATIVE to trigger the SUBJUNCTIVE mood in the dependent clause. I wish I had passed the test. Compulsion is indicated by the subjunctive mood. Tom requested _____. Some people refer to the subjunctive mood as the subjunctive form or subjunctive tense. The base subjunctive does not use any other forms (goes, sings, works). About This Quiz & Worksheet. Subjunctive – mixed exercise 1. 4. Sue’s boss asked. Use this quiz and worksheet to verify your understanding of verbs in the conditional and subjunctive moods. Instructions for making accents on a Mac or a PC. When we use as if or as though in a sentence, we are discussing a hypothetical situation. (10) If Sam were more confident, he would have been the manager. "Could you help me move some boxes," Tom asked me. Correct your answer or click on the button to see the correct answer. If I were in your situation, I would speak to the professor about the problem. God bless you! "If I were a boy, I think I could understand how it feels to love a girl." were ? was ? Verb Mood Quiz DRAFT. Have a look at how to use were in these sentences: Example: He spends money as if he were a millionaire. (Sue is a woman.). 2. "Give me a refund," John told the clerk. by ragusa213. Change each command to a sentence that uses the subjunctive mood in the clause following the verb. Change each command to a sentence that uses the subjunctive mood in the clause following the verb. Incorrect. "Stop drinking so much!" Can you work this weekend?" Compulsion is indicated by the subjunctive mood. (1) If I were you, I would mention it to my boss. Part B. Review Exercises Subjunctive, Conditional, Indicative, Imperative, Interrogative Label the following sentences with the appropriate mood. I will do the work tonight. … 1. I asked that they be quiet. The subjunctive mood is used to talk about actions or states that are in doubt or not factual. That was tasty. (2) Were I in your position, I would study more. Exercise 1 6. _____ 3. The Subjunctive Mood - Answers Directions: Circle the correct form of the verb in the following sentences. The judge insisted that the lawyer be quiet. The mood of the verb that shows a mode or manner. Using Verbs to Indicate Mood. Example: If every day were my birthday, life would be a constant party. went; If you _____ a little earlier, you would have caught the bus. Our online exercises for English help you to learn and practice grammar rules in an interactive manner. You've obviously been doing your homework, and now it's paying off. To make sure that you understand the correct answers, our answer keys offer simple explanations as well as handy tips and tricks. (7) She drives as if nobody else were on the road. Subjunctive – Exercises. This table shows the base subjunctive in all persons, using the verbs be, work and sing as examples: 7. 5. verb: would, mood: indicative, tense: past; verb: stayed, mood: subjunctive, tense: simple past A. Subjunctive Mood Imperartive Mood Indicative Mood Mood of Verbs B. Sandra asked that the post office hold onto her mail. These activity sheets will provide short sentences and prompts in order to help your students learn how to use subjunctive verbs and phrases correctly in both present and past tense. 7. 6. Subjunctive mood sentences by Cambridge Dictionary. 2. The commander ordered that the thief is arrested. 1. would be; If I had time, I _____ to the concert. "Give me a refund," John told the clerk. “ (Answers may vary on the their briefly discussion on what they chosen) Pre Activities Drill Activities You couldn't do better than that! It occurs only in noun clauses beginning with that. 8. " Online quiz to test your understanding of the English subjunctive. Sing us a song, Jack. Jerry requested that Kim (helps / help) him with his essay. /  The thief demanded that she give him the money. In the second exercise you will need to decide between the subjunctive and the indicative. Answers and Explanations. © Presto Plans VERB MOODS: PRACTICE ASSIGNMENT Determine if the following sentences are written in the indicative, imperative, interrogative, conditional, 2. 4. Describe the Verb Mood mood. Subjunctive Mood Exercises – Answers (1) If I were you, I would mention it to my boss. answer choices Point out the verbs in the following sentences and name their moods and tenses. Instructions: Make grammatically correct subjunctive mood sentences out of the words below. Here are some examples of how to use the subjunctive moos this way: If I were in your shoes, I would speak to the professor about the problem. (1) were / I / boss / you / I / mention / it / my / would / to / if, (2) I / study / would / I / in / position / your / more / were, (3) I/ go / you / diet / I / would / on / were / a, (4) I / calm / your / were / I / would / if / in / down / shoes, (5) I / speak / situation / in / were / would / if / I / to / him / your, (6)  wish / sunny / were / day / I / every / it, (7) drives / nobody / as / she / else / were / road / on / if / the, (8) boss / me / as / treats / I / slave / my / though / were / his, (9) John / been / were / he / taller / basketball / have / player / if / could / a, (10) were / confident / been / he / Sam / would / the / if / manager / more  / have. Let that child (eat, eats) cake everyday. Mood is the form of the verb that shows the mode or manner in which a thought is expressed. 0. The word “you” can be replaced by the phrases “in your shoes”, “in your position” or “in your situation”. Questions. With a song like this you can create different exercises focusing not just on mood but also about the content or meaning of the song. 8. Tom requested that I help him move some boxes. "Could you help me move some boxes," Tom asked me. The subjunctive is occasionally used in sophisticated or literary language, especially in American English and in some set phrases and expressions. EXERCISE 11: Read the following passage. I will have plenty of time tomorrow. (2) Were I in your position, I would study more. Were I in your situation, I would speak to the professor about the problem. _____ 2. 3. This mean that we are discussing something imaginary that isn’t true at the moment of speaking. It is required that he complete the form before leaving the room. The moods indicated through verbs have been roughly divided into four main types - imperative mood, Indicative mood, subjunctive mood and infinitive mood. Online exercises to improve your English. 9. 7. Learn about the subjunctive mood in English grammar online with Lingolia. Tom requested that I help him move some boxes. 0. Subjunctive mood is a mood in grammar of many languages that uses different verbs in a language to describe an unreal state. 8. " All quizzes. Check answer. If I were in your position, I would speak to the professor about the problem. He told me that he had finished the work. ... Subjunctive Mood - Verbs . Decide if the verbs are indicative, imperative, interrogative, conditional or subjunctive. Were I in your position, I would speak to the professor about the problem. "Give me a refund," John told the clerk. ID: 614516 Language: English School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) Grade/level: Intermediate + Age: 16+ Main content: Subjunctive mood - 2nd conditional Other contents: subjunctive mood / 2nd conditional Add to my workbooks (5) Download file pdf Embed in my website or blog Add to Google Classroom 2. It is important that puppies get enough exercise. You can also put the word “were” first in the sentence. Do you walk your puppy enough? would go ? The moods are : indicative, imperative, interrogative, conditional, and subjunctive. John demanded that the clerk give him a refund. "Could you help me move some boxes," Tom asked me. 8. The doctor insisted that Stan remains in bed. (2) Were I in your position, I would study more. Subjunctive Part V: Test #1 Write the correct present tense subjunctive conjugation for the given infinitive, unless the indicative mood is required. Verbs in sentences that are suppositions should take the subjunctive mood. If she were lying, we would have noticed. 3. Bill’s wife told him. ” first in the clause following the verb we subjunctive mood exercises with answers have caught the bus the subjunctive mood the. Least 30 minutes of daily exercise his slave were in your shoes I! ) were I in your position, I would study more, want ) complete... 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