The abundance of arsenic in our solar system is 12 parts per billion by weight. Some 20 years before filming this movie, actress Jean Adair had helped to nurse a very sick vaudeville performer named Archie Leach back to health; by the time she was asked to reprise her Broadway "Arsenic and Old Lace" role as Aunt Martha for this film, Adair … Arsenic may be obtained from copper, gold, and lead smelter flue dust, as well as from roasting arsenopyrite, the most abundant ore mineral of arsenic. When a person injests arsenic thier breath, can smell like almonds, or dirty sweat socks. History and etymology: Arsenic is known from as earlier as 4 th century B.C. It has also been used as an insecticide. Arsenic poisoning in … Arsenic damages multiple organs, including the skin, gastrointestinal tract, immune system, reproductive system, nervous system, and the excretory system. It reverts to gray arsenic … 1. Two methods of preparing arsenic were published by German pharmacist Johann Schroeder in 1649. As a Critical Resource Mineral, the essential use of arsenic is in lead alloying. The development of Lewisite as a war gas was made by W. Lee Lewis in 1918. America’s rice farmers and rice companies are fully committed to providing healthy and nutritious food to consumers; and although there is no scientific evidence of a public health risk as a result of the trace amounts of arsenic found in U.S. rice, we will continue to work with FDA to ensure the U.S. rice supply meets any established health standards. Below are the 13 Creative & Catchy Arsenic slogans for chemistry assignments, science projects & project presentations. Boron Fun Facts: 26-30. Urine or blood tests can assay recent exposure. investFeed During the 19th century Britain and other parts of the world saw a steady rise in economic development. Some common side effects of arsenic poisoning may include: Agitation. Facts and Info about the element Argon - IUPAC and the Modern Standardised Periodic Table. Arsenic is a chemical substance, which is released from the Earth’s crust via natural processes and from certain human activities. Unfortunately, it became apparent that people who used the product had a significantly higher risk of developing cancer, particularly on the exact spot where the solution was applied. Arsenic is a metalloid with various allotropes, the common one are yellow, black and metallic gray, but industries use only gray part the most. 1-5 Interesting Facts About Water 1. Here are 10 arsenic element facts: Dr. Helmenstine holds a Ph.D. in biomedical sciences and is a science writer, educator, and consultant. It was used during the Bronze Age to strengthen the alloy. Facts about Arsenic. From how the state got its nickname to how Little Rock became the capital, it all dates back to the early 1800’s. Albertus Magnus (1193-1280), a German philosopher and theologian, was the first to state that arsenic has a metal-like nature. It is an example of a, Arsenic occurs naturally in pure crystalline form and also in several minerals, usually with, The element name comes from the ancient Persian word, Arsenic was known to ancient man and important in alchemy. Greek philosopher Aristotle, in the fourth century BC, referred to “sandarach”, or “red lead”, which was later renamed “arhenicum” by his student, Theophrastus of Eresos. Facts About Poisons. Most birds are not effected my arsenic. Arsenic is a crystalline metalloid found in the Earth's crust, but in its free form it is quite rare. Arsenic is 53rd most plentiful element in the Earth’s crust at 1.8 parts per million by weight. LinkedIn Greek historian Olympiodorus of Thebes (5th century AD) roasted arsenic sulfide and obtained white arsenic (As2O3). The pure element was officially isolated in 1250 by the German Catholic Dominican friar Albertus Magnus (1200–1280). Organic chemistry – study of carbon compounds. It. Makeup was denounced as tacky but arsenic skincare products were advertised as "perfectly harmless." Naturally occurring in the Earth’s crust and widely dispersed in the environment, ... Nutritionists and toxicologists find themselves on opposite sides of an interesting question when they consider the human health effects of elements such as arsenic. Arsenicals are used in numerous products, including insect, rodent, and weed killers, some chemotherapeutic agents, and certain paints, wallpaper, and ceramics. An arsenic atom has 33 electrons and 33 protons with five valence electrons (those that can participate in forming chemical bonds with other electrons) in its outer shell. Tenderness. Lewisite was an organic blistering gas containing arsenic. This is made using Boron, Nitrogen and Carbon. The main use of metallic arsenic is for strengthening alloys of copper and lead. Arsenic poisoning, harmful effects of various arsenic compounds on body tissues and functions. Facts about the Classification of the Element Arsenic Arsenic is classified as a "Metalloid" element and is located in Groups 13, 14,15, 16 and 17 of the Periodic Table. 1850: In the Victorian era, white arsenic, or arsenic trioxide (As2O3), was widely available and sold in grocery stores. Early on, arsenic compounds were used in. And your finger have a blue line down the middle possible 2 blue lines, but not sure about the 2nd line. The Greek philosopher Theophrastus knew of two arsenic sulfide minerals: orpiment (As 2 S 3) and realgar (As 4 S 4).The Chinese also knew about arsenic as the writings of Pen Ts’ao Kan-Mu. ThoughtCo uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. 10 of the Most Interesting Facts About Arkansas History If you’ve ever wondered about Arkansas history, there are some pretty interesting facts about how the state of Arkansas came to be. Mouth sores. … Environmental levels of arsenic vary. 1. Arsenic is very toxic. Arsenic occurs naturally in rocks and soil, water, air, and plants and animals. Arsenic is best known as a poison and a pigment, but it has many other interesting properties. 26. Arsenic is an odorless and tasteless semi-metal found in three allotropic forms: yellow, black and grey. Arsenicals are used in numerous products, including insect, rodent, and weed killers, some chemotherapeutic agents, and certain paints, wallpaper, and ceramics. Answer Save. Arsenic was known to the ancient Egyptian, and is mentioned in one papyrus as a ways of gilding metals. 1500: In Italy, during the Middle Ages, the most widely accused of poisoners were the Borgias, specifically Pope Alexander VI, and his son, Cesare. It is an acute poison, a contact poison, a chronic cumulative poison, and a carcinogen. The Victorian era facts in the gallery above paint a very different picture of the time period than the one usually seen in history books. By using ThoughtCo, you accept our, The Most Toxic Elements on the Periodic Table, Chemical Element Pictures - Photo Gallery, 20 Facts About the Chemical Element Silver, 10 Tungsten Facts - W or Atomic Number 74, Facts About the Element Ruthenium (or Ru), Ph.D., Biomedical Sciences, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, B.A., Physics and Mathematics, Hastings College, Arsenic's symbol is As and its atomic number is 33. Gray arsenic is a very brittle semi-metallic solid. Sodium bicarbonate: Discovery, Production, Uses. The drug was incredibly effective and remained the top medicine for curing syphilis until penicillin became available in the 1940s. Pinterest. FUN FACTS -Arsenic has 3 common allotropes, gray, yellow and black arsenic.-Arsenic has been used as a component of the World War 1 era as a chemical weapon.-In 2000 the FDA approved arsenic as a treatment for some forms of leukemia. Arsenic adds a blue color to pyrotechnic displays. Arsenic has a particular affinity for sulfur and is often found joined to sulfur in ores – mixtures of minerals that are mined for profitable materials such as silver or copper. Gray arsenic is the most common. After FIJI Water ran an ad joking that it “wasn’t bottled in Cleveland,” the Cleveland Water Department proved that Fiji Water contained the highest levels of arsenic and other contaminants when compared to Cleveland … Aragon Launches First-Of-Its Kind Digital Jurisdiction, A Brief Introduction To OKEx Options Trading. Arsenic occurs in many minerals and also as a pure elemental crystal. In 82 BC, in an attempt to stem what was becoming an epidemic of large-scale arsenic poisonings, the Roman dictator and constitutional reformer Lucius Cornelius Sulla issued the Lex Cornelia, probably the first law against poisoning. When it is heated in air it combines with oxygen to produce arsenic trioxide. Arsenic has a special place in the history of modern medicine. ... Arsenic Facts. Most birds are not effected my arsenic. There is no part of arsenic that is not poisonous. Water filters are designed to reduce chemicals, heavy metals, contaminants, and other impurities in drinking water. Facts about Arsenic 2: the protons and electrons They are weak oxidizing agents. Facts About Metals. 28. Gray arsenic is the usual stable form, with a melting point of 817°C (28 atm) and sublimation point at 613°C. When a person injests arsenic thier breath, can smell like almonds, or dirty sweat socks. On contact with the skin the gas reacted with sulfur on keratin, a skin protein, to produce huge blisters that were made worse by the release of caustic hydrochloric acid, also produced by the chemical reaction. Arsenic. About 50,000 tons of arsenic trioxide are made each year. Facts about arsenic Facts about arsenic Arsenic is a naturally occurring substance. Boron Fun Facts: 26-30. Interesting Facts about Arsenic. -3 compounds are reducing agents.They are the main form of arsenic in the ground (as arsenides). Boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony, and tellurium are the elements in metalloids, followed by selenium and polonium. Facts about Metalloids 2: Silicon Get more interesting facts about arsenic in the following post below: Facts about Arsenic 1: the periodic table. Many heavy metals are toxic to the body at doses above the body capacity to handle them. An element classified as a Metalloid has properties of both metals and non-metals. In ancient Rome, brass was considered a fake in bronze. Arsenic Facts Arsenic is a highly poisonous substance having three different allotropic forms, namely, yellow, black and grey. Despite how poisonous arsenic is, a very small amount is considered important for the health of animals. Arsenic-containing minerals such as orpiment or realgar, which are sulphides of arsenic, are sometimes found together with other metal ores. 1659: Hieronyma Spara organized group instruction in the homicidal uses of arsenic for a number of young married women who wanted to better their station in life by becoming wealthy young widows. Although the element is toxic, arsenic is widely used. Poor appetite. Fun Facts about Arsenic. After FIJI Water ran an ad joking that it “wasn’t bottled in Cleveland,” the Cleveland Water Department proved that Fiji Water contained the highest levels of arsenic and other contaminants when compared to Cleveland tap water and other bottled brands – Source 7 Answers. Read through this ScienceStruck article to know interesting facts about this colorless element. This sample of treated lumber would make you very sick if you ate it. Interesting facts about the poison Arsenic. 27. Other important uses for arsenic include, but are not limited to, specialty optical materials, short-wave infrared technology, brass dezincification, and a variety of biomedical applications. Environmental levels of arsenic vary. The chemistry here is interesting. Krypton is one of the noble gases having the most stable arrangement of electrons in its shells. She has taught science courses at the high school, college, and graduate levels. As a result of its toxicity, arsenic compounds are used in wood preservation and insecticides. The Crypto Hobbit: @BrianDColwell Also I am not sure of the amount. This sample of treated lumber would make you very sick if you ate it. Arsenic doesn't melt under standard pressure, but sublimes directly into gas. Also I am not sure of the amount. Here are ten interesting facts about metalloid. The word arsenic has been derived from the Syriac word ‘zarniqa’ and Persian word ‘zarnikh’, which means “yellow orpiment”. Drowsiness. The pure arsenic was isolated officially … Borax is low toxicity to humans. Past exposure to arsenic may be assessed by examining hair. Tell me about your social media and/or content marketing need in the comments below. 26. Arsenic trioxide is rarely found as a mineral. Arsenic trioxide is a white solid. Considering that about 90% of the arsenic used by the United States is imported from China, the world’s primary producer, it cannot be disputed that trade wars and geopolitical tensions could limit the ability of the U.S. to secure necessary arsenic resources in the future. When arsenic is heated, it oxidizes and releases an odor similar to that of garlic. It has a metallic sheen and conducts electricity. In the past arsenic has been used as a wood preservative. There is something called heterodiamond. Arsenic forms chemical compounds in three oxidation states: -3, +3, and +5. Despite the toxicity, arsenic has several therapeutic uses. Favorite Answer. ; Iron - Dusksters – Explore the Dusksters website to find more facts about iron. Earache. 10 points for best Fact; <3. It has arsenic and oxide ions in it. Magnus first isolated the element arsenic in 1250. A treated lumber deck has enough arsenic to kill at least a hundred people, including you. Arsenic is included in metalloid because it shares the features of the non metal and metal elements. Few interesting things about Arsenic you didn't know. Here are ten curious facts about this element. Arsenic doesn't melt under standard pressure, but sublimes directly into gas. In 1910, German biologist Paul Ehrlich(1854-1915) invented the first drug that would cure syphilis, a sexually transmitted … Babies tend to put everything in their mouth. They […] For one, you can’t put arsenic in a cold beverage without it being visable – the white powder will float on top. It dissolves in water to make a solution of arsenious acid. the periodic table. Interesting Arsenic Facts: Arsenic is a poison and should not be handled by anyone but chemists or other professionals in the scientific field. Arsenic is a chemical element with symbol As and atomic number 33. Facts about is a private web page and does not belong to any political party/agency/etc or any other institute. Small amounts of arsenic (less than two percent) can be used in lead alloys for ammunition. Common chemicals in tap water, such as arsenic, chromium, and disinfectant byproducts can accumulate in body tissue, which can affect the body's hormone systems. It can be further released into the environment through natural activities such as volcanic action, erosion of rocks and forest fires, or through human actions. 1 decade ago. Arsenic is very toxic. Despite its potential toxicity, arsenic is also an essential element, necessary to our physiology. Relevance. Additional Resources on Iron. Arsine is a colorless, highly toxic gas with a garlic odor. Some species of bacteria can perform a version of photosynthesis that uses arsenic rather than oxygen to obtain energy. Arsenic occurs in three distinct solid forms. 1651: Guilia Toffana made arsenic-laced cosmetics and instructed women on their use. Arsenic Facts With an atomic number 33, and atomic mass 74.92, arsenic is a notoriously poisonous metalloid with multiple allotropic forms. Mendeleev noted a gap in his table and named the missing element “eka-aluminum” because he determined that its location was one place away from aluminum in the table. Arsenic poisoning is very serious and results in coma or death Symptoms of arsenic poisoning is a headache, vomiting, aches, lightheaded, green/yellow blood, trouble speaking, etc. This list was developed to serve as an initial focus, pursuant to Executive Order 13817, ‘‘A Federal Strategy to Ensure Secure and Reliable Supplies of Critical Minerals” (82 FR 60835). It is found in nature as a single stable isotope, arsenic-75. High school was 20yrs ago. For example, in car batteries, lead components are given strength with the addition of a small amount of arsenic. Jack Deez. We neither promote/support racism nor do we believe in spreading hatred but harmony, peace, and love.To provide interesting information and facts to our audience is the sole purpose Facts about. Facebook It can exist in inorganic or organic form, inorganic arsenic being generally considered more toxic. Facts about Metalloids 1: The elements in metalloids. August 21, 2015, cherran, Leave a comment. Here are 10 arsenic element facts: Arsenic's symbol is As and its atomic number is 33. PURE COBALT DOES NOT NATURALLY EXIST ON EARTH. At ordinary pressure, arsenic, like carbon dioxide, does not melt but sublimes directly into vapor. Arsenic is a chemical substance, which is released from the Earth’s crust via natural processes and from certain human activities. Reposted from Stiched Together in a Preserved Jar Many murderers who employ poison as their weapon of choice favor arsenic, but it’s not that perfect a means to murder. The existence of gallium was predicted in 1871 by Dmitri Mendeleev, the Russian chemist who published the first periodic table of the elements. Arsenic trioxide, also known as white arsenic, arsenic (III) oxide, or arsenious oxide, is a chemical compound. Arsenic is taseless. Arsenic and all of its compounds are poisonous but the toxicity varies. Arsenic has long been used as a poison, but it's readily detected. Check out the 20 interesting facts below! It is an example of a metalloid or semimetal, with properties of both metals and nonmetals. It is an example of a metalloid or semimetal, with properties of... Arsenic occurs naturally in pure crystalline form and also in several minerals, usually with sulfur or metals. And toddlers grab whatever looks interesting. The first bronze alloy, the receipt of which was officially documented, was an alloy of copper with arsenic. Arsenic trioxide side effects. It can exist in inorganic or organic form, inorganic arsenic being generally considered more toxic. Darkening of skin. It has also been used as an insecticide. Dioscorides, a Greek physician in the court of the Roman Emperor Nero, described arsenic as a poison in the first century. 2. Borax is low toxicity to humans. Few interesting things about Arsenic you didn't know Arsenic and its properties: Arsenic is a chemical compound with atomic number 33 and symbolised as “As”. Arsenic is taseless. Arsenic and all of its compounds are poisonous but the toxicity varies. Arsenic trioxide is made by burning arsenic in air, reacting arsenic with concentrated sulfuric acid, or the roasting of arsenic … Arsenic is located in the third element in 15th column on the periodic table. Despite how poisonous arsenic is, a very small amount is considered important for the health of animals. ; Iron - Chemicool – Find more iron facts on the Chemicool website. The element is an essential trace mineral for proper nutrition in chickens, goats, rodents, and possibly humans. It has an atomic number of 33 and is represented by the symbol “As”. Life In The Victorian Era. Greek philosopher Aristotle, in the fourth century BC, referred to “sandarach”, or “red lead”, which … In 1910, German pharmacologist Paul Ehrlich developed the arsenic-based drug Salvarsan, also known as arsphenamine, as a treatment for syphilis, a disease that was endemic and incurable at the time. Liquid arsenic only forms under high pressure. Headache. 33. If the poisoner uses a hot beverage, the poison will dissolve very well, but when the beverage cools, it will float to the top as visable sediment. Lithium- Element properties, occurrence, applications and facts. What is Arsenic? The element is typically found in minerals, such as arsenopyrite, realgar and orpiment, according to the Minerals Education Coalitio… Arsenic has a fascinating history as a healer and killer. In May 2018, the U.S. Department of the Interior, in coordination with other executive branch agencies, published a list of 35 critical minerals (83 FR 23295), including arsenic. Here are 10 arsenic element facts: Arsenic's symbol is As and its atomic number is 33. It has been used as a syphilis treatment, cancer treatment, and skin bleaching agent. The facts about this element are given below. In integrated circuits, gallium arsenide is an important semiconductor material for solar cells, space research, and telecommunications. Arsenic is still used to harden alloys, specifically lead and copper. (see 1. and 2.) This happens due to accidental over dosing or deliberate pollution from industrial waste into rivers and soil. It occurs in several forms, often in compounds with other chemical elements. High school was 20yrs ago. While high doses can cause a quick death, low-dose exposure is also dangerous because arsenic can cause genetic damage and cancer. It is a semiconductor doping agent. (see 1. and 2.) Constipation. 1520: The first precise directions for the preparation of metallic arsenic are found in the writings of Paracelsus, a physician-alchemist in the late Middle Ages who is often called the “father of modern toxicology.”. For more information on sheltering in place during a chemical emergency, see Facts About Sheltering in Place. The Facts on Arsenic. The arsenic is … If you think you may have been exposed to cyanide, you should remove your clothing, rapidly wash your entire body with soap and water, and get medical care as quickly as possible. It is prepared by cooling gray arsenic vapor in liquid air. The most common form is the brittle, crystalline grey. It is has extreme resistance to heat and is extremely hard. Yellow arsenic has a specific gravity of 1.97, while gray or metallic arsenic has a specific gravity of 5.73. In ‘De Mineralibus’ he described how the metal could be obtained by heating orpiment (As2S3) with soap. Arsenic composes of only one stable isotope and occurs as monoisotopic element in nature. Inorganic arsenic compounds are considered more toxic than organic arsenic. Check this out! In the periodic table of the elements, arsenic is No. Striking various arsenic-containing minerals with a hammer might also release the characteristic odor. It is has extreme resistance to heat and is extremely hard. Here are some facts … Studies show that water filters are far less expensive and less environmentally damaging than bottled water. Interesting Facts about Arsenic When it is heated in air it combines with oxygen to produce arsenic trioxide. Beyond the basics above, what else should we know about arsenic? 27. Arsenic poisoning in … King County Dirt Alert Facts about arsenic Facts about lead Soil contamination guidelines Self-testing for soil Pica eating disorder Posters and brochures External links on lead and arsenic Illegal drug labs Indoor air quality and mold prevention Sharps disposal Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) Wildfire smoke Green Section 30, LLC Seadrunar facility application Vashon Island Closed Landfill Arsenic is best known as a poison and a pigment, but it has many other interesting properties. Arsenic poisoning, harmful effects of various arsenic compounds on body tissues and functions. Doing a project, anyone know any interesting facts about arsenic? The tonic was commonly used to treat skin conditions, such as psoriasis. Gallium arsenide (GaAs) is a semiconductor used in laser diodes and LEDs. Women would eat or rub arsenic mixed with vinegar or chalk into their skin as a complexion-enhancer, trying to make their skin paler to show that they did not work in the fields. Increased sweating. In the past arsenic has been used as a wood preservative. The Standardised Periodic Table in use today was agreed by the International Union of Pure Applied Chemistry, IUPAC, in 1985 which includes the Arsenic element. This is one of the primary reasons why borax is commonly used as insecticide. Children are naturally curious and love to explore their world. [5] Contaminants that have made their way into city water supplies include fecal waste, rocket fuel, arsenic, lead, and chemical by-products created during water treatment. Its chemical formula is As 2 O 3. A treated lumber deck has enough arsenic to kill at least a hundred people, including you. Interesting Arsenic Facts: Arsenic has been in use since ancient times, specifically by Greek, Egyptian, and Chinese civilizations. Facts about arsenic Facts about arsenic Arsenic is a naturally occurring substance. FUN FACTS -Arsenic has 3 common allotropes, gray, yellow and black arsenic.-Arsenic has been used as a component of the World War 1 era as a chemical weapon.-In 2000 the FDA approved arsenic as a treatment for some forms of leukemia. Arsenic causes epigenetic changes, which are heritable changes that occur without alteration of DNA. Digging into the history of arsenic as a choice for mystery writers leads to interesting facts about the availability and early uses of arsenic, and a scan of a list of historical poisonings (alleged and confirmed) shows arsenic popping up a fair number of times. 45 Interesting Facts About Water Pollution By Nina Howell Last Updated on June 11, 2020 June 6, 2020 Our Earth is composed of nearly 70% water, but only 2.5% of … ... iron, or arsenic, such as in the bright crimson arsenate mineral erythrite. Learn About Iron – Read more iron facts and information on the Royal Society of Chemistry website. This is one of the primary reasons why borax is commonly used as insecticide. Check out the 20 interesting facts below! Interesting Arsenic Facts: Arsenic is a poison and should not be handled by anyone but chemists or other professionals in the scientific field. And your finger have a blue line down the middle possible 2 blue lines, but not sure about the 2nd line. This era along with the rapid growth of wealth also welcomed a fall in humanity. In more recent times, compounds of arsenic have been used to treat a variety of diseases, including syphilis and various tropical diseases. Arsenic is also used as a semiconductor doping agent. Arsenic's name has grown from Syriac, Perisan, to Greek, then ultimately to Latin. Instagram It may be added to livestock food to help the animals put on weight. It is normally made from orpiment or realgar, arsenic sulfide minerals. Hence poisoning due to heavy metals is a common issue in medical field as some of them are also used to cure diseases. Tweens and teens may experiment with drugs and other mind-altering substances. The pure element and all its compounds are toxic. The word “arsenic” comes from the Persian word “zarnikh,” meaning “yellow orpiment,” which the Greeks adopted as “arsenikon.” The word is also related to the Greek word “arsenikos,” meaning “masculine” or “potent.” The Latin word for it became “arsenicum.”. A professional poisoner, Toffana invented Aqua Tofana, a poison named after her, and under torture later confessed to killing 600 men with her poisons in Rome alone between 1633 and 1651. Yellow arsenic is metastable, is a poor electrical conductor and does not have a metallic sheen. Arsenic is located in the third element in 15th column on the periodic table. There is something called heterodiamond. This is made using Boron, Nitrogen and Carbon. ; Iron - Britannica – Discover more about the chemical element iron on the Britannica website. A level of 0.00001% is needed for growth and for a healthy nervous system. Tarnishes in moist air It is an acute poison, a contact poison, a chronic cumulative poison, and a carcinogen. 28. Early physicians, such as Hippocrates(c. 460 b.c-370 b.c.) 1) The basic element details. Arsenic is insoluble and it has density of 5.72 g/cm 3. Prominence of Redox reaction in organic chemistry. 1-5 Interesting Facts About Water 1. There is no part of arsenic that is not poisonous. It occurs in several forms, often in compounds with other chemical elements. A crystalline metalloid found in minerals such as arsenopyrite, realgar and orpiment, the infamous arsenic has an amazing history – from the time of the Roman Empire to the Victorian era, arsenic was considered the “king of poisons” and the “poison of kings.” Beyond its use as a poison for millennia, though, arsenic is today an important mineral for national sovereignty. Gallium first became recognized as a critical mineral resource during World War II and was used in … Get emergency medical help if you have signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficult breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.. Arsenic trioxide can cause a condition called differentiation syndrome, which affects blood cells and can be fatal if not treated. In nature arsenic is usually found in sedimentary or igneous rock joined to or mixed with other elements, such as oxygen. In 1836, the English chemist James Marsh perfected a sensitive and specific chemical test for arsenic, and poisoners thereafter had little hope of escaping detection. Read through this ScienceStruck article to know interesting facts about this colorless element. The +3 state is the most common. In 1837, Victoria became Queen of the United Kingdom and ruled for 63 years. and Paracelsus (1493-1541), recommended arsenic for the treatmentof some diseases. 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