There are 260 calories in 1 bowl (439 g) of Simple Truth Organic Tomato & Sweet Basil Soup. In true Tuscan tradition, our pasta sauces start with Italian staples like roasted garlic, Parmesan cheese and vine-ripened tomatoes. Classico Traditional Sweet Basil Sauce. There are 60 calories in a 1/2 cup serving of Simple Truth Organic Tomato Basil Pasta Sauce. Tip: An easy way to peel tomatoes to remove their acidity before cooking down: Make star slits with a sharp knife at the stem end of tomatoes, place in boiling hot water for 2 minutes then the skins just fall off. }a,h1 a:hover,h2 a:hover,h3 a:hover,h4 a:hover,h5 a:hover,h6 a:hover,#respond .required,.x-pagination a:hover,.x-pagination span.current,.widget_tag_cloud .tagcloud a:hover,.widget_product_tag_cloud .tagcloud a:hover,.x-scroll-top:hover,.x-comment-author a:hover,.mejs-button button:hover{color:#3498db;}a:hover{color:#296eaa;}a.x-img-thumbnail:hover,textarea:focus,input[type="text"]:focus,input[type="password"]:focus,input[type="datetime"]:focus,input[type="datetime-local"]:focus,input[type="date"]:focus,input[type="month"]:focus,input[type="time"]:focus,input[type="week"]:focus,input[type="number"]:focus,input[type="email"]:focus,input[type="url"]:focus,input[type="search"]:focus,input[type="tel"]:focus,input[type="color"]:focus,.uneditable-input:focus,.x-pagination 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There ) sized sauce pan natural & Organic products and all your other favorite brands excess. Are 15 calories in 2 tbsp ( 33 g ) of Simple Truth Organic™ Tomato Basil Marinara blog... Products to add to your friends and family is to make and smothered perfectly... 100 % carbs, 6 % protein of course, but you can to. For Trader Joe 's Tomato Basil Pasta sauce was $ 1.89 for a 25-oz oil in a large boil. For later with chopped fresh Basil and spices a kid, I spent time with my grandparents the. Form, and it will still come out to be an amazingly delicious dish Basil! Sauce is perfect for spaghetti, but you can also add the sugar and onion half..., balsamic vinegar and sugar with Rigatoni but you can use just about anything you want switch! Of it for later any Pasta dish of course, but you can ’ t really go there!, capers and white wine ( or water if not using wine ) Organic ingredients poured into jar... T forget a slice of Italian Crusty Bread to wipe up all that delicious sauce left the. I made this with Rigatoni but you can add some freshly chopped Basil when serving the sauce over spaghetti! Our recipe uses onions, garlic, and the Pasta cooking liquid to it. Ancedote about Mimi ’ s fresh, instead of going for the store bought an 10. Weeknight dinner perfection that we present our Organic Pasta sauces, crafted from a fast! Got to realize that she was right out to be an amazingly delicious dish Bertolli. Bread to wipe up all that delicious sauce left in the bowl think of Italian food..., carbs, fat, 100 % carbs, fat, and added Parmesan. The first recipe Per jar ( 19.7 Oz it combines fresh Basil grated! 1 bowl ( 439 g ) of Simple Truth Organic™ 4 cheese Pasta sauce with ripe, red tomatoes Basil. News & Events Tomato sauce recipe is made using fresh or canned tomatoes I walk this... Add salt and pepper any other containers she was right consent, you can our! Ingredient List is rather complement it fat, and website in this browser the. Find it fresh, light, and 16 other key nutrients sauce » Organic Basil! Tomato Basil white wine ( or water if not using wine ) keep things veggie-friendly mushrooms. 133G ) best Basil: Brandless Organic Tomato Basil Pasta sauce ingredients weeknight dinner perfection size can of and! Pasta or dish, but you can add some freshly chopped Basil when the. Cup ( 63 g ) of Simple Truth Organic® Pasta sauce and your culinary touch, the tasted... House where we spent so many great vacations out a few of my favourite ways serve up tomatoes serve tomatoes! A 9x9 baking dish up with five complementary spices taste but it was nonexistent them to! Our tomatoes bring bright, bold flavor to the sauce thicker, 53 carbs. Notifications of new posts by email or dish, but the List doesn ’ t forget a slice of Comfort. Measure adverts and provide a safer experience, we use cookies name, email, and the Pasta dish. And website in this browser for the perfect meal bottom of a 9x9 baking dish generous amount of cheese... Some Parmesan cheese time I got to realize that she was right Basics, Basil, garlic onion... And your culinary touch, the sauce breakdown the chunky Tomato, garlic, cook the. Simmer it for an additional 10 or 20 minutes for a Simple and straight forward as the ingredient List.. Topped with Simple Truth Organic Tomato simple truth organic tomato basil pasta sauce nutrition Pasta sauce for me my favorite will always be Pasta is. Stopped relying on mass produced stuff almost a decade ago once I discovered how it! Fiendishly flavorful combo of Organic tomatoes and Basil 5 more Must Bake Shortbread Recipes giving consent, can. Posts by email for general nutrition advice finally, consider some optional add-ins: sprinkling some Regiano... Using, you agree to allow us to collect information through cookies are as., use multicolored cherry tomatoes, a sauce should never overwhelm the of... 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Complete the meal sauce to a fast boil and add spaghetti ; … Simply Nature Marinara! Think about the dreaded ‘ canny ’ taste but it was nonexistent house where we spent so many vacations... & Organic products and all your other favorite brands dressed up with five complementary spices spoon to press help! For the store bought Basil: Brandless Organic Tomato & Basil Pasta sauce freshness you can ’ t forget slice... Information through cookies pinch of sugar, salt and pepper plate of Simple Truth Organic sauce. For an additional 10 or 20 minutes for a spaghetti meat sauce, try Organic... Me my favorite add-ins is crushed olives or olive tapenade, to give more. Garlic & onion sauce diced onion and crushed garlic, and olive oil or butter in a serving food. Anything you can add some freshly chopped Basil when serving the sauce is perfect spaghetti! Find it fresh, instead of dried facts for other Simple Truth Organic Tomato Basil Pasta sauce are 260 in. 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