Join in praying the Novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Christ, have mercy. The Catholic Doors Ministry presents the Litany to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Thank you for the The Litany of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Heart of Mary, comfort of the afflicted… Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, Christ, hear us,Christ, graciously hear us. Immaculate Heart of Mary, Console the sorrowful who […] Regarding the basis for devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, see page 17 of this booklet and following. This litany to the Blessed Virgin Mary was composed during the Middle Ages. Litany of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Lord, have mercy. Rosary prayer ?is most of prayer that conect us with God mostly. Heart of Mary, tabernacle of God Incarnation… Consecration Prayer to Mary (St. Maximilian Kolbe) “The Immaculate alone has from God the promise of victory over Satan. (I here quote the litany as posted on uCatholic, at; this version seems a bit different from Newman’s as listed under his name, but seemed better […]. Have mercy on us. Heart of Mary, immaculate in your creation, Pray for us. Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, I Consecrate my entire self to the Most Holy Love of Your Two Hearts. Immaculate Heart of Mary, Cure the sick who confide in Thee. Christ hear us, John Henry Newman. Heart of Mary, throne of glory… Immaculate Virgin, by the holy will of your Son my Lord Jesus Christ, you are my Mother in Heaven. Lord, have mercy. She received, among other things, the following 12 Promises from the Sacred Heart of Jesus. There are no bulletins available. This prayer to the Immaculate Heart of Mary printed below has a special resonance in its reference to our Blessed Mother’s sad heart at Fatima in this centennial year of the famous apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, described in part hereand in some of the links listed below. Novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary O Most Blessed Mother, heart of love, heart of mercy, ever listening, caring, consoling, hear our prayer. Most Holy Virgin Mary, tender Mother of men, to fulfill the desires of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the request of the Vicar of thy Son on earth, we consecrate ourselves and our families to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, O Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, and we recommend to thee, all the people of our country and all the world. Have mercy on us. Your Immaculate Heart is full of love, mercy and compassion for sinners like me. Lord, have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, One God, Much easier than riffelling through my books and papers to find it. – LORD, HAVE MERCY ON US. Heart of Mary, Victim of love, Pray for us. Unfourtunately his babies,wife & parents with entire family are left with pains,tears.Cleanse them all in your precious blood forever & give them support,protection,guidance,blessings & visions in their life so that they can prosper & live a better life forever.Lord I give his babies,wife,parents & entire family in your hand forever bless,guide,protect them,perform miracles in their life save them from any evils in their entire life forever.Lord let the whole family come as one to support each other.Lord please burn the satan & it’s form in the eternal fire & never to return in their family in your name Amen!! Immaculate Heart of Mary, Guide and inspire those who govern us. There are currently no bulletins available for Immaculate Heart of Mary. IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER OF THE SON & OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. Graciously hear us, O Lord. Lord, have mercy,Lord, have mercy. Immaculate Heart of Mary, whose sweet soul a sword pierced beneath the Cross, pray for us. God the Holy Spirit, Blessed Heart of Mary, you know what is in my heart and what I ask for.