Gels. They who are to appear before an audience are detained because of a sudden attack of diarrhoea. Arrives before Christmas. Drooping of the eyelids, they are heavy, can hardly open them or keep them open. Abdomen. Not knowing of any special antidote for Gelsemium, and seeing that there was no time to lose if we wanted to avert any increase of the paralysis, it fortunately came into my mind to give her a subcutaneous injection of Strychnine, using I minim of the liquor Strychnine, or 1-120th part of a grain. Limbs cold with oppressed breathing. mos. The lids close when he is looking steadily; they simply fall down over the eyes. Throat. Excitable sexual desire (spermatorrhea). Unconsciousness. Itching on the head, face, neck and shoulders. Sensation of heat and constriction in throat. Hay-fever. This is due to a paralysis of the muscles of deglutition. Rheumatism. The extremities become cold and the head and back become hot. Dysmenia. Anger. Boiron Gelsemium Sempervirens 1M, Tube of 80 Pellets. Children’s remittent fever. Erskine White (H.W. Clarke. It is mainly suited to people who are irritable, sensitive, anxious and nervous type and those who suffer from weakness. Gelsemium es un remedio para climas calurosos, mientras que Aconitum es para climas más fríos. Pains running up back of neck, with a feeling of tightness in the brain, irritable, easily angered. I have relieved with it cases of Dupuytren’s contraction.) Sick headache, principally right temple, beginning in the morning and increasing during day, worse from motion and light, better after lying down, better by sleep or vomiting. Shaking head better heaviness of head. During the congestion the face is purple and mottled. Blackley pointed out the suitability of Gels. Chilliness in upper part of body and back. Metrorrhagia. Useful in paralytic cases that begin with fevers. Pregnancy, albuminuria of. The semen dribbles away; there is impotency, no ability to perform the sexual act; the sexual organs are relaxed. Gelsem. Heat of the face with fullness in head and cold feet. Double vision, cannot tell which side of the street he is on. Trembling and weakness, listless and languid, Easily jangled. 2 for insomnia and headache. Fever in afternoon, twitching of muscles. Paleness and nausea. This state would remind one of cerebro-spinal meningitis. After taking this for about a day and obtaining no relief – but rather she grew worse, being as is described. indeed it seems as if my memory was better, that I can recall almost anything I ever read, nearly always repeat long passages of something to myself that I have read years before. Stiffness of the jaws, the jaws are locked. Pains from the spine to the head and shoulders. Astigmatism. Earache during menopause is almost always relieved by Gelsemium-Dr.Dorothy Shepherd. J. H. Nankivell drank two ounces of tincture of Gelsem. Delirium in sleep, half-waking, with incoherent talk. Eyes. Jaundice. Stupor, cannot open the eyes. Sensation as if uterus squeezed by a band. patient lies quietly because if he moves the pains are worse. Many symptoms occur in connection with the sexual organs, male and female (J. H. Allen (H.P., xiii.244) cured a case of hydrosalpingitis, if gonorrheal origin, with Gels, I.m. Headache. a place among the poly crests of homeopathy. The following case of poisoning was recorded by Dr. Edward Jepson (Brit. Sensation as if right elbow were sprained. The headaches are of the congestive type. The muscles of the face seem to be contracted, especially around the mouth, making it difficult to speak. G. Lucidum. Sensation of intoxication, with diarrhea. Antidoted by: Atrop, Chi., Coff., Dig., Nux. This is succeeded by an inclination to weep, and I generally have a good cry, but before I cry and while the feeling lasts of wishing to throw myself from a height, I clench my hands, and nervous rigors or sensations run all over my body down to my fingers and toes, it seems as if I would lose my senses. Sensation of emptiness and weakness at the pit of the stomach, or of an oppression, like a heavy load. Cramps in the abdomen and legs during pregnancy, diplopia, drowsiness, loss of muscular power, convulsion. Convulsions. has also headaches of a neuralgic character in the temples and over the eyes, with nausea and aggravation from vomiting. Like its botanical relatives, Gelsem. Ears. 1. Sunstroke. Pulse slow, accelerated by motion. Heavy, dull expression of the countenance. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. Hoarseness with dryness of the throat. There is excessive weakness and trembling, but the consciousness is not so clouded. Trembling of the hands when lifting them up. It is only a short-acting remedy, though slow in its beginning. Running through the febrile complaints, in the spinal meningitis, in congestion of the brain, in intermittents or remittents that change to a continued fever, and even in a cold when the patient is sneezing and has hot face and red eyes, there is one grand feature, viz., a feeling of great weight and tiredness in the entire body and limbs. This is similar to Arg. The red face, the heaviness of the extremities and sore throat that has come on gradually, a little worse from day to day, until it has become a severe throat, will lead you to Gels., especially if there is paralytic weakness all over, and as the throat trouble progresses the food and drink come back through the nose. Dry cough with soreness of the chest and fluent coryza. Irritable neck of bladder (in hysterical women), calling for constant urination. When he is not in this comatose sleep during congestion he is in a state of nervous excitement in which he lies awake thinking, and yet thinks of nothing in particular, because his mind will not work in an orderly way. Gelsemium es un remedio para climas calurosos, mientras que Aconitum es para climas más fríos. A lady has an attack of diarrhoea when about to meet friends over whom she expects to become excited at the meeting. Motion worse most symptoms, better muscular pains, better heart. Papulous eruptions resembling measles, especially on the face. Meningitis. Sudden loss of hearing for a short time, rushing and roaring in ears. Nausea (with giddiness and headache). Rigidity of the neck of the uterus. Anticipatory fear and anxiety (trembling with fright). Sun. Great irritability, does not wish to be spoken to. Myalgic pains in the neck, mostly in upper part of the sterno-cleido muscles, back of the parotid glands. There was somnolence, absence of mental excitement, and good appetite. Spasms. The pains also extend up the back. Cold feet. Esophagus, stricture of. Pain as if sprained in the right wrist. Diphtheria. The sleep is greatly disturbed. Shuddering, as if ice were rubbed up the back. face is flushed crimson, but not quite as besotted as that of Bapt. The mental prostration is typified in "funk," as before an examination, stage-fright, effects of anger, grief, bad news, and is accompanied by dropping eyelids. The characteristic headache of Gels. Excessive irritability of mind and body. Sleep. These feelings are followed by a strong inclination to talk or write, increased sense of mental capacity and memory. I playfully admired his military appearance, and thus secured the dangerous weapon, very much to the relief of his fellow-boarders. Wants to lie down and rest. During our late civil war this plant was largely used in the South as a substitute for Opium as a narcotic. The headache in Gelsemium is also associated with vertigo-like in pulsatilla. to writer’s cramp and professional paralyses. Voice weak. Loganiacee. With Gels. Loss of sensation is sometimes found; numbness of the end of the nose, of the ears, of the tongue, of the fingers, of the hands and feet, numb ness, here and there, of the skin. Overview Information Gelsemium is a plant. Useful given before events such as showing, racing or obedience trials. Incapacity to think or fix the attention. Gelsemium l X is the best remedy for insomnia with no bad effects- Dr.Cuthbert. nit. Paralysis of upper lips after prolonged conversation. Complaints from sudden change from hot or dry to damp air. There is the lassitude, but the patient does not express it. He next prescribed the 1, 000th, and the result of that was the proving now related. All gone sensation in abdomen- Phosphorous, Sepia, Stannum met. You can sort or filter results by clicking any column heading and / or entering some text in the filter box. Aphasia during singing or talking- Argentum nitricum, Arum triph, Causticum 4. With the coldness of the extremities, the very dark red countenance, the dazed condition of mind, the glassy eyes and dilated pupils, we have the neck drawn back and rigidity of the muscles of the back of the neck, so that the neck cannot be straightened, and there are violent pains up the back and coldness in the spine. Rheumatic pains (wandering) in the bones and joints (night). Med. Fatigue after slight exercise. 5. Yellow Jessamine. The eyeballs oscillate laterally when using them. 2. False labor-pains, rigid os. 5. For angina pectoris, depending upon fatty degeneration of heart, Gelsemium [ and Belladonna] are good palliatives- Dr. Hempel. Arms weak, numb. G. Nitidum. Great coldness running up the back from the lower part of the spine to the back of the head. Chilliness especially along spine. Extreme and alarming difficulty of breathing, extreme restlessness from threatened suffocation. Locomotor ataxia. A drug is of importance in homeopathy not so much by reason of the great number of the symptoms it causes, as by possessing a number of well-marked and clearly characterized symptoms which correspond to symptoms constantly met with in every-day practice. Suppressed menstruations with convulsions (every evening). Diplopia and dim vision during pregnancy. The face is flushed and dusky and the patient is dazed. Dysmenia, epileptiform convulsions at menstrual period, rigid os in labor, chill, beginning in hands, or feet, and running up back. During marked febrile conditions he has a profound sleep or coma. Stomach. Sleep, disordered. Traffic Rank: Daily Visitors: Daily Page Views: Daily Ads Revenue: Net Worth: 88561 : 3,899 Min: 2,339 Max: 5,849 Headache in the forehead such as pressing is curable with this homeopathic medicine. Lifting arms causes trembling of hands. Ten minutes after this the change for the better was most marked, there was return of power in the tongue and in the hands, and an improvement in the vision. Introduction and History: This is a great homeopathic remedy. I have cured among other cases one of neuralgia of the anterior crural nerve. There is a sense of weakness and goneness in the region of the heart, and this weakness and goneness often extend into the stomach, involving the whole lower part of the left side of the chest and across the stomach, creating a sensation of hunger, like Ignatia and Sepia. Lips dry, coated with dark mucus. Spasmodic contraction of fingers. There is also paralytic weakness of the extremities and of the hands.

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