Because of its pleasant aroma, frankincense has been used as incense for centuries. For skin benefit, you want to put a few drops in whatever you are using to moisturize with – preferably an oil or a DIY moisturizer! can i put a roll on essential oil in a diffuser? Be sure not to use frankincense essential oil during pregnancy. Here's how I like to use Frankincense essential oil for my skin---Face: After I apply my face cream, I take a drop and rub it into my face before the cream is absorbed or add it directly to the cream. While preliminary research suggests that frankincense essential oil may offer certain health benefits, there is currently a lack of research testing the health effects of frankincense oil. When applied to the skin: Frankincense essential oil is POSSIBLY SAFE when applied to the skin. Room Reviver . The analgesic properties of Frankincense oil helps to lower the pain and stiffness of joints felt in rheumatoid arthritis. Posted by 3 days ago. share. This powerful essential oil is revered for its ability to beautify and rejuvenate skin when applied topically, and to promote cellular health and immunity and produce a healthy inflammatory response when taken internally,* among other benefits. It is popular as a remedy for acne and eczema, and it also to help lift and tighten the skin. However, no studies exist to support these claims. When used as an ingredient in skin care products, frankincense essential oil is said to treat dry skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles, age spots, scars, and stretch marks. To reduce skin sensitivity use both of these oils with a carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil or almond oil. This essential oil is often used as an aromatherapy oil, but it can also be combined with a carrier oil such as jojoba or coconut oil to make a skin care product. It is one of the most powerful and versatile oils in the whole group of essential oils. Promotes smooth skin: Frankincense oil is touted as an effective natural anti-acne and anti-wrinkle remedy. It helps to disinfect and tighten the pores, thereby promoting the speedy healing of cuts, wounds, and scars. Smear the affected spot on the skin with a few drops of Frankincense essential oil and the skin cancer will heal quickly. It is a type of essential oil that is used in aromatherapy. Frankincense oil is one of the most popular essential oil used for skincare. The first recorded use of incense was in Fifth Dynasty Egypt (2345 - 2494 BC). So, you may want to use it as a moisturizer. It also may help speed healing of minor wounds and insect bites. Anti-Infection . Application of frankincense on fingernails can strengthen weak or brittle and delicate fingernails. This article is copyrighted and written for the eHow site. Give frankincense a go. But in the skin care study where they said boswellic acid helped reduce oil secretions, that wouldn’t be expected with the essential oil since it doesn’t contain the acids. Frankincense oil is one of the most recommended essential oils out there, given its beneficial properties. Frankly Beautiful Roller Blend for Face: Simple blend for use on delicate facial tissue. Add one drop of Frankincense and one drop of Myrrh to half a teaspoon of carrier oil. This oil can be used topically on the skin when diluted with a carrier oil, to disinfect surfaces in the home, or diffused and released into the air. Check out 15 easy ways to use Frankincense Essential Oil: Meditation & Yoga; Frankincense is one of the best essential oils to assist with relaxation during yoga and meditation. hide . Here are some everyday uses for Frankincense essential oil: Add a few drops of frankincense essential oil to your bath to help relieve stress. The essential oil can be added to any moisturizing serum as a nice, supportive addition to a daily skin care routine. Use frankincense oil in your bath to help relieve stress and anxiety. Natural Remedies. Cures Warts. It is used to relieve flatulence, stimulate the growth of new skin cells, and stimulate blood flow and circulation among other competencies. Support wellness. The Aloe Vera gel has cooling properties, and it soothes the skin. Use it as a face moisturizer. Studies are generally done in vitro, or on cells in a laboratory. Frankincense Beauty Face Oil. Anti-aging products use the oil for the skin benefits. People use it for the smoothness of skin and to reduce skin irritation and inflammation. Providing you have patch tested first. All methods will allow you to reap the benefits of the oil’s antimicrobial properties. Frankincense essential oil is safe to use topically on all types of skin. Frankincense is actually one of the ones that can be used on skin directly without dilution, but I don’t really recommend it. Frankincense oil is a natural remedy that comes from the resin of a tree. Just add 7-8 drops of the oil into a bucket of water. In the following paragraphs, we will present a couple of ways in which you can use this amazing essential oil, to enjoy beautiful, healthy skin and good health in general. 2. Does anyone have experience with this and how long I should anticipate seeing some results? Contact author for permission to reprint. Here's a folk remedy for how some people have used frankincense essential oil to remove skin tags completely, leaving no scar or skin damage. By promoting cell generation and fighting inflammation, boosting skin health and reversing the “normal” signs of aging, frankincense has earned the title of “King of Oils” in the aromatherapy community. The astringent properties of Frankincense make it an excellent choice for topical uses. This makes your skin firm and youthful. Unwind by adding a 5 drops of Frankincense essential oil to a cup of Epsom salts along with 1 tsp almond oil.It helps to promote relaxation after a long day. Besides that, you can also use frankincense oil by mixing it with water and take a bath in it. In this Facebook Live, the Young Living Training and Education team share important history and information on the popular Frankincense essential oil! Health Benefits . Topical use has a range of different benefits. One method is to add frankincense to unscented skin care products, such as lotions, face creams, or moisturizers. The frankincense oil is best for your skin, and it increases the smoothness of skin and also removes all the spots from the face. Frankincense, being a disinfectant, can be used to clean wounds or cuts, making way for quicker healing without leaving scars behind. Frankincense oil is known to contain astringent properties, which help to get rid of acne and to reduce large pores. Frankincense Essential Oil Product Description. Frankincense essential oil uses for skin are well known. It might cause skin irritation in some people. The basic rule of thumb is to add 6 drops of frankincense per ounce of product. As we saw before, there are many other uses of frankincense for the skin, including reducing acne blemishes and appearance of large pores. Promote relaxation. Frankincense oil has been linked to treatments for ovarian, breast, and skin cancers. Trouble focusing during yoga or meditation? This recipe makes approximately 2 ounces of frankincense and myrrh beauty oil. 4. Frankincense essential oil is rich in anti-inflammatory properties. Frankincense for Arthritis. Add 3-4 drops Frankincense Vitality to a spoonful of raw honey or an empty vegetable capsule and take internally as a dietary supplement. 6. Add frankincense essential oil to your diffuser to deodorize or disinfect your home. 6. Known as the king of essential oils, Frankincense has a variety of notable uses and benefits. Frankincense was also used in religious ceremonies in the Roman Empire and … This section shows you how to use frankincense oil on face, including a recipe for using frankincense oil for wrinkles. Black raspberry seed oil is rich in skin nurturers like vitamins A and E and contains flavonoids that prevent metastasis of cancers. To use as a night (or day) cream: just add a few drops to the base of your choice. As mentioned above, you can also use a diffuser and inhale the frankincense infused mist for amazing benefits. Essential oils like frankincense oil, sandalwood oil and others could be an effective agent against skin cancer. It is very moisturizing for the skin which makes your skin soft and smooth. save. Strengthens Finger Nails. Add 5-10 drops frankincense essential oil to your diffuser and run at night to help with sleep issues. Beta-elemene in frankincense oil suppresses tumor growth and triggers destruction of cancer cells. Frankincense essential oil restores lost collagen in your skin. 5. Many product reviews claim it’s good for greasy skin. Some of the most common uses for frankincense have been cultural or religious in nature. Frankincense essential oil is great for skin care and nearly everything related to skin; burns, rashes, cuts, scrapes, and oozing sores. 5. It all goes in together this way! Used medicinally, this anti-inflammatory oil is known to soothe inflamed skin by reducing the sensations of redness, swelling, and itching. Apply it to your temples to help you focus, relax and be calm. Hello, I’m using a mixture of tea tree and frankincense along with lemon and fractionated coconut oil to try and lighten a dark area on my face about 2x a day. 5. For your face, it is always advisable to use at least 6 drops when mixing it with another product like a moisturizer. It is an astringent, meaning that it helps to tighten and tone loose, sagging or lax tissues. Purchase your two simple ingredients. See Also. 7. I personally use it in homemade beauty products for its scent and for reducing scars or tightening skin. There are a variety of benefits that frankincense offer to your skin, hair, and health. It’s also fabulous for mature, prematurely aging, and environmentally challenged skin. 13 comments. It helps to support overall wellness. "In a recent study,   DoTerra scientists investigated the effect of Frankincense essential oil on human skin cells using the BioMap dermal fibroblast system. Why Use Frankincense in a Face Cream? Traditional Uses of Frankincense and Frankincense Oil. Frankincense and myrrh—the gum or resin from the Commiphora myrrha tree—can be combined for an even more effective solution for killing germs. The easiest way to use this mixture is simply to give yourself a foot massage to absorb the oils into your system. Frankincense is believed to help protect and heal skin cells and is used to reduce acne, prevent wrinkles and slow signs of aging. Frankincense essential oil can even help you lift and tighten your skin naturally and slow the signs of aging. If you’re adding frankincense to a face cream, add fewer drops. The mixture of frankincense oil and Aloe Vera gel is used for the treatment of acne and dark spots. That being said, frankincense essential oil is a powerful astringent, which means it helps protect your skin cells. This astringent effect is why some use frankincense oil for oily skin, as counterintuitive as that may sound. report. To add more moisture to your skin and help lift and tighten wrinkles, try mixing 1 part frankincense oil with 2 parts baby oil or shea butter and applying it to your face and hands. The BioMap system is a molecular biology method that the researchers used to examine how healthy cellular activity was supported by frankincense essential oil in human skin cells. 10. This recipe is best for those with acne prone skin or who prefer not to use coconut oil on the face. Frankincense essential oil is an astringent oil that contains antioxidant properties. Carrier oils help to suppress the adverse effects of the essential oil in your body. This is considered to be the best Frankincense skin care benefit. You can also burn some frankincense oil in a vaporizer at your bedside to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. It is packed with antioxidants that give anti-aging benefits to the skin.

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