Seth E. Spielman. (2003) studied social vulnerability to environmental hazard in all 3 141 U.S. counties using the SoVI. Proc Natl Acad Sci 105(7):2301–2306, Cutter S, Boruff B, Shirley W (2003) Social vulnerability to environmental hazards. Click the Map Legend tab to display and interact with the layers comprising the map for the selected year. Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registration, Spatial exploration of the CDC’s Social Vulnerability Index and heat-related health outcomes in Georgia, Racial Disparities on Full Display: COVID-19 is Disproportionately Affecting Communities of Color, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. –Subjective indicators •4. Glob Environ Change 17(3):472–485, Rees P (1970) Concepts of social space. Home » Social Security Guide » 11 Income Management » 11.4 Vulnerable Welfare Payment Recipient Measure » 11.4.2 Identification of a VWPR » Indicators of vulnerability Listen Indicators of vulnerability Based on statistical records of agricultural and fishery losses in 2009, Typhoon Morakot caused NT$800 million (NT$1 = $0.031) in losses in the Qigu District of Tainan. The variables included in each of the social vulnerability indices have been identified through the literature as being important components contributing to a community's vulnerability [6,9]. The social vulnerability analysis draws on secondary data for 2012 from Taiwan's National Geographic Information System. Int J Emerg Manag 4(2):269–295, King L (1966) Cross-sectional analysis of Canadian urban dimensions—1951 and 1961. Accessed 12 Dec 2018, Wood N, Burton C, Cutter S (2010) Community variations in social vulnerability to Cascadia-related tsunamis in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. The Social Vulnerability Index (SoVI®) 2010-14 measures the social vulnerability of U.S. counties to environmental hazards. The index is a comparative metric that facilitates the examination of the differences in social vulnerability … UNU-EHS, Borden K, Schmidtlein M, Emrich C, Piergorsch W, Cutter S (2007) Vulnerability of U.S. cities to environmental hazards. Click the symbol in the upper left of the map to display the Map Details and Legend. We also show that the SoVI is often misaligned with theory; increases in variables that contribute to vulnerability, like the unemployment rate, often decrease vulnerability as measured by the SoVI. Int J Disaster Risk Sci 4(4):169–181, Clark D, Davies W, Johnston R (1974) The application of factor analysis in human geography. To facilitate advances to current practice and to allow replication of our results, all of the code and data used in this analysis is open source and available at ( Social vulnerability indicators are arguably powerful tools because they summarize … Access the newest update on the CDC SVI  Data & Documentation Download page. This is a preview of subscription content, log in to check access. The social vulnerability component of SARA comprises the development of composite indicators of social vulnerability and resilience along with their robustness testing and validation. Environ Hazards 7:20–31, Birkmann J (2013) Data, indicators and criteria for measuring vulnerability: theoretical bases and requirements. Department of Geography, University of Colorado, 110 Guggenheim Hall, 260 UCB, Boulder, USA, Seth E. Spielman, Joseph Tuccillo & Rebecca Davies, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, USA, Western Geographic Science Center, US Geological Survey, 2130 SW 5th Avenue, Portland, 97201, OR, USA, You can also search for this author in To make social vulnerability operational, standardized indicators representing different aspects of social vulnerability are needed, which can be aggregated into composite indices or vector valued indicators (King and MacGregor 2000; Birkmann 2006). •2. Retrieved March 1, 2017, from OECD. The objective is to provide tools and information useful for understanding the potential effects of earthquakes in communities of South America. The first dashboard shows general vulnerabilities based on the CDC's Social Vulnerability Index. Adger N (2006) Vulnerability. To explore the relationship between social vulnerability and the disparate impact of COVID‐19, we focus our investigation on Cuyahoga County, Ohio, and Wayne County, Michigan, as each county has the largest Black population in its state. Social vulnerability refers to the potential negative effects on communities caused by external stresses on human health. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Atmospheric Programs. Linking to a non-federal website does not constitute an endorsement by CDC or any of its employees of the sponsors or the information and products presented on the website. To make social vulnerability indicators more useful, this study performs an overlay analysis of social vulnerability and patterns of risk associated with national disasters. SoVI is a single quantitative indicator that purports to measure a place’s social vulnerability. These indicators are usually used to track changes in vulnerability over time. Prof Geogr 65(2):312–328, Holand IS, Lujala P, Rød JK (2011) Social vulnerability assessment for Norway: a quantitative approach. Marine Technol Soc J 40(4):16–26, Morrow B (1999) Identifying and mapping community vulnerability., Hummel B, Cutter S, Emrich C (2016) Social vulnerability to natural hazards in Brazil. Nat Hazards 100, 417–436 (2020).,,,,,,,,,, In: Birkmann J (ed) Measuring vulnerability to natural hazards: towards disaster resilient societies, chapter 2, 2nd edn. PLOS Curr Disasters., DOI:, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in Accessed 12 Dec 2018, Palm R, Caruso D (1972) Factor labelling in factorial ecology. Usefulness for social debate and policy Social vulnerability indicators are used to identify areas with people who are more vulnerable to the negative impacts of floods. Glob Environ Change 16(3):268–281, Amec-Foster-Wheeler (2016) City and county of Denver hazard mitigation plan. Calculated by dividing the number of people living in arid, semi-arid and dry subhumid lands (i.e., areas with an aridity index between 0.05 and 0.65) by the total population of the country Correspondence to Nat Hazards 78(3):1827–1841, Chen W, Cutter S, Emrich C, Shi P (2013) Measuring social vulnerability to natural hazards in the Yangtze River Delta region, China. Indicators such as increased poverty rates, higher separation rates, higher crime rates and unemployment are all signs of vulnerable populations. US Army Corps of Engineers, Dunning CM, Durden SE (2013) Social vulnerability analysis: a comparison of tools. Subscription will auto renew annually. Institute for Water Resources, Emrich CT, Morath DP, Morath GC, Reeves R (2014) Climate-sensitive hazards in Florida: identifying and prioritizing threats to build resilience against climate effects. Their definition is based on focus groups bringing the micro dimension of vulnerability to the table by giving the people themselves a voice to express their priority needs. These indicators have been developed for flooding, but they may also be useful for other natural hazards. Earthscan, London, pp 37–51, Chang S, Yip J, van Zijll de Jong S, Chaster R, Lowcock A (2015) Using vulnerability indicators to develop resilience networks: a similarity approach. J Risk Res 12(1):43–58, Dunning CM, Durden S (2011) Social vulnerability analysis methods for Corps planning. Clim Dev 4(4):311–326, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2015) Climate change in the United States—benefits of global action. Disasters 23(1):1–18, Ngo E (2003) When disasters and age collide—reviewing vulnerability of the elderly. Int J Disaster Risk Sci 7(2):111–122, Janson CG (1980) Factorial social ecology: an attempt at summary and evaluation. ProQuest, Guillard-Goncalves C, Cutter S, Emrich C, Zezere J (2015) Application of Social Vulnerability Index (SoVI) and delineation of natural risk zones in Greater Lisbon, Portugal. Global vulnerability indicators Füssel (2009b, 2010) examines technical weakness of aggregate indices and point out that the aggregated vulnerability indices cannot adequately consider special circumstances that make certain countries, or groups of countries, particularly vulnerable (or resilient) to climate change. Social vulnerability indicators help identify populations vulnerable to the negative impacts of a natural hazard. In this paper, we establish criteria for the evaluation of social vulnerability indicators and apply those criteria to the most widely used measure of social vulnerability, the Social Vulnerability Index (SoVI). Evaluating social vulnerability indicators: criteria and their application to the Social Vulnerability Index. Learn more about Institutional subscriptions. Vulnerability indicators can serve as planning tools to focus health impact prevention efforts in areas of Vermont at greatest risk. Social vulnerability indicator framework for climate change in the southwestern coastal areas of Taiwan. J Homel Secur Emerg Manag 4(2):5, Buckle P, Mars G, Smale S (2000) New approaches to assessing vulnerability and resilience. CDC is not responsible for Section 508 compliance (accessibility) on other federal or private website. Thornton, P.K. Specifically, multiple SoVI-based measurements of the vulnerability of the same place, using the same data, can yield strikingly different results. Mitig Adapt Strateg Glob Change 3(1):59–82, Cronbach L, Meehl P (1955) Construct validity in psychological test. Reducing social vulnerability can decrease both human suffering and economic loss. The SoVI is constructed using over two dozen variables; the specific formulation varies over time and application. United Nations University Press, pp 80–106, Birkmann J, Wisner B (2006) Measuring the unmeasurable: the challenge of vulnerability. EPA 430-R-15-001, p 94, U.S. Census Bureau (2013) 2008–2012 American Community Survey 5-year estimates. Social vulnerability refers to the inability of people, organizations, and societies to withstand adverse impacts from multiple stressors to which they are exposed. Cutter et al. CDC Social Vulnerability Index (CDC SVI) uses 15 U.S. census variables to help local officials identify communities that may need support before, during, or after disasters. We show that SoVI has some critical shortcomings regarding theoretical and internal consistency. Science 103(2684):677–680, Tate E (2012) Social vulnerability indices: a comparative assessment using uncertainty and sensitivity analysis. A range of specific indicators is defined to address the impact of the crisis on people’s vulnerability. Can Geogr 10:205–224, King D, MacGregor C (2000) Using social indicators to measure community vulnerability to natural hazards. J Homel Secur Emerg Manag 8(1):3, Gall M (2007) Indices of social vulnerability to natural hazards: a comparative evaluation. Specifically, multiple SoVI-based measurements of the vulnerability of the same place, using the same data, can yield strikingly different results. Ann Assoc Am Geogr 105(3):473–495, OXFAM America (OXFAM) (2009) Exposed: social vulnerability and climate change in the US southeast, p 20. Social Vulnerability in Vermont Google Scholar, Birkmann J (2006) Measuring vulnerability to promote disaster-resilient societies: conceptual frameworks and definitions. Initially, it found 32 indicators and 150 variables, but it was possible to subsume them into a few valid social vulnerability indicators. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - Norwegian Journal of Geography 65(1):1–17. In fact, social vulnerability is a complex concept that can result from a set of primary vulnerabilities: economic, housing, physical, family, cultural, etc. Vulnerable people are more likely to be affected by a hazard - they may be less able to prepare for, cope with or adapt to a hazard. We show that SoVI has some critical shortcomings regarding theoretical and internal consistency. 2 social vulnerability assessment tools for climate change and drr programming social vulnerability assessment tools for climate change and drr programming 3 GRASP led the June 2020 publication of ‘Spatial exploration of the CDC’s Social Vulnerability Index and heat-related health outcomes in Georgiaexternal icon’ in the International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. Ann Am Assoc Geogr 109(4):1131–1158, Schmidtlein M, Deutsch R, Piegorsch W, Cutter S (2008) A sensitivity analysis of the Social Vulnerability Index. While social vulnerability assessments (SVA) use spatial indicators and indices that have become state of the art, they also receive substantial critique. These impacts are due in part to characteristics inherent in social interactions, institutions, and systems of cultural values. This yields a continuous numeric score. Aust J Emerg Manag 15:52–57, Kleinosky L, Yarnal B, Fisher A (2007) Vulnerability of Hampton Roads, Virginia to storm-surge flooding and sea-level rise.